Production - Coal India

Production Department. Coal India Limited crossed 600 Million Tonnes plus production mark in successive years FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20. Because of COVID 19 pandemic, Coal Sector suffered in FY 2020-21. Coal India Limited produced 596.22 Million Tonnes (MTs) of coal in the just concluded Financial Year under challenging conditions, achieving 90 ...


Шинэчлэлийн Засгийн газрын санал хүсэлт хүлээн авах 11-11 төвөөс 2012 оны 10 сарын 12-ны өдрөөс өнөөдрийг хүртэл Хууль зүйн яаманд хуваарилагдсан нийт 618 санал хүсэлт ирүүлсэнээс 430 хүсэлтэд цаг тухайд нь хариу өгч ...

Coal India Limited

Coal India Limited. Opinion Survey on points related to Career Growth of Executives of Mining Discipline Notification for CS Practical Training Price Notilication: CIL: Ret. No. CIL: M&S/ 1325 Dated 18th July 2022 Pricing of Raw Coal with GCV from 1500 keal/kg to 2200 keal/ky Recruitment of Management Trainees through Computer Based Test (CBT ...

Circulars - Coal India

Circulars. CIL/VIG/05/2020/4424 : Recommendations of Joint Committee on the "Identification of Systematic Deficiencies on coal shortage on the way after its loading from points of NCL and its receipt in Power Plant -regarding " dated 23.09.2020. Recommendation of Committee of CVO's in Vigilance Case No. CA/02/2020.

eProcurement System of Coal India Limited

22-Aug-2022 11:30 AM: 8. Diversion of Ghatrohana village road alongside of conveyor belt at Amalgamated Gondegaon Ghatrohana OC Mine under Gondegaon Sub Area: na3250-civ-e-tender 34-2022-23: 11-Aug-2022 06:00 PM: 15-Aug-2022 11:30 AM: 9. Repairing of blade arm, Ac element housing and stay cylinder of dozer BD-155 Sl. No. 13288 Gidi A Project.

15 оны дундуур 2012 инчийн MacBook Pro-ийн ...

Хэсэг хугацааны туршид бид Apple-ийн Mac-уудыг хуучирсан эсвэл хувцасны чимэг хэлбэрээр түргэсгэж байгааг олж мэдсэн. Үүний шалтгаан нь хэд хэдэн байж болно. 15 инчийн MacBook Pro 2012 оны дунд үеэс хуучирсан нь XNUMX-р сар хүртэл ...