Obuasi, Ghana - AngloGold Ashanti

Workforce. 3,914. including contractors. Obuasi is an underground operation with the main accesses into the mine consisting of shafts and a single access decline with interlevel development of between 15 and 30m. The Obuasi Deeps Decline, which is situated at the southern end of the mine, is designed to extend to a depth of about 1,500m.

AngloGold Ashanti - Wikipedia

AngloGold Ashanti Limited is a global gold mining company. It was formed in 2004 by the merger of AngloGold and the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation.It is now a global gold producer with 21 operations on four continents. The company is listed on the New York, Johannesburg, Accra, London and Australian stock exchanges, as well as the Paris and Brussels bourses.

Мьянмар дахь boddington алтны уурхай

A large gold and copper mine, Boddington is located 16 km from the rural farming town of Boddington and 120 km from Western Australia''s capital city, Perth. Boddington was a three-way joint venture between Newmont, AngloGold Ashanti and Newcrest. In 2009, Newmont purchased AngloGold Ashanti''s shares to become the sole owner of Boddington.

Exploration - AngloGold Ashanti

Targeted investments during the year led to two positive advances, with Pure Gold Mining, in which we have a 16% stake, continuing to ramp up at the Madsen mine redevelopment in Red Lake, Ontario. Further, AngloGold Ashanti made an offer to purchase Corvus Gold Inc. and the acquisition was completed in January 2022.

Люксембург дахь boddington алтны уурхай

· Төв аймгийн Заамар сумын нутаг дахь Ар Наймган-1 алтны үүсмэл шороон (эфель) ордыг ил уурхайн аргаар ашиглах ТЭЗҮ-ийн тодотгол. Тусгай зөвшөөрөл-129А, 4411А, 4412А. Жилийн хүчин чадал-21,21 кг.

Sustainability - AngloGold Ashanti

At AngloGold Ashanti's Quebradona project in Colombia, Comfenalco Antioquia and the Pro Jericó Foundation came together at the end of 2020 to offer soft loans to entrepreneurs and small business owners. The project is called the Productive Transformation Fund and is designed to support the launch and growth of small businesses.

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secure my country: 2009. sep 13, 2009 · Хагас үйлдвэрийн туршилтын дээж нь хэдэн арав зуун тонн байх бөгөөд ихэвчлэн уурхайн хүнд малталт буюу шахт ухаж байж авах бөгөөд тэр нь бас ордын бүх төрлийн хүдрийг төлөөлөх чадвартай