Явган хүний замын ... - MONTSAME News Agency

Авто болон явган хүний замын уулзвар, өндөржилтийн зөрүүтэй замд налуу гаргахаас эхлээд харааны бэрхшээлтэй, тэргэнцэртэй иргэд зорчиход зориулсан стандарт боловсруулсан. Тэдэнд ...

City of Rocklin - The Official Site of the City of Rocklin

Eight high school seniors got an up-close look at their local government over the past two weeks as part of Rocklin's Summer Civic Career Program. The students toured City departments, learning about roles across the City including executive administration, parks and recreation, public services, emergency services, and more.