Social Login – All in One with Hybridauth 3 and CodeIgniter

Hybridauth is a popular library to add Social Login in PHP websites like CodeIgniter. Hybridauth 3 code in CodeIgniter for Google, Facebook social login. ... involved. For example, not all the providers return you the email address. However, each authenticated user has an ID field for sure in the profile response. Further, the JSON data ...

CodeIgniter - ID del último registro insertado - Trescomatres

Bien, veamos cómo se hace con CodeIgniter saber el ID del último registro insertado: Supongamos que tenemos la tabla alumno en la base de datos con los siguientes campos: id integer (11) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT nombre varchar (200) nacimiento date. Fijaos en el campo 'id' que es la clave primaria y es autoincrement. Vale.

How to Set Session in Codeigniter With Example - Guru99

CodeIgniter Session Management. If you have developed desktop applications before then, you probably know that you can define a global variable assign a value to it and use it throughout the life cycle of the application opening and closing more than one (1) and each request will have access to the global variable.

Shopping Cart Implementation in CodeIgniter - CodexWorld

This shopping cart tutorial demonstrates the cart and checkout process in CodeIgniter 3 application. In the example script, the CodeIgniter Cart library will be used to implement core cart functionality. Also, the customer and order information will be stored in the MySQL database. Before getting started, take a look at the file structure of ...

Tutorial CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) Codeigniter 4

CRUD Codeigniter 4 - Halo gaess !👋 Di artikel ini saya akan share tutorial membuat CRUD atau Create, Read, Update dan Delete di codeigniter 4. Artikel ini merupakan lanjutan dari artikel codeigniter 4 yang sebelumnya telah saya bagikan. Disini, saya akan simulasikan membuat CRUD di codeigniter 4 untuk membuat contact management.

Gameboy-Spiele Games und Lyrik

Энэхүү нийтлэл нь тоглоомын тухай Gameboy тоглоомын нийтлэл, 4-ийг 1-д нь хөгжилтэй Пак Тама болон найзуудын түүвэр байх болно.

First Codeigniter 3 CRUD (Create,Read,Update,Delete) via Mysql

First way to download. In this way, You should have composer in your system. Open your command prompt and run the following command for creating a codeigniter project name "crud-app". composer create-project CodeIgniter/framework crud-app. After run the above command in command prompt, it will create a project with required files.

Tutorial CodeIgniter Indonesia Lengkap - Hostinger Tutorial

Langkah 1 – Menginstall CodeIgniter. Untuk menginstall CodeIgniter, Anda harus memiliki shared hosting Hostinger atau LAMP (Linux, APache, MySQL, PHP) yang sudah dipasang dan dijalankan di VPS atau sistem lokal. Anda dapat menerapkan tutorial CodeIgniter ini dengan distribusi apa pun dari Linux; tentunya kami menggunakan akun shared hosting ...

Welcome to CodeIgniter

CODEIGNITER. 3. CodeIgniter 3 is the legacy version of the framework, intended for use with PHP 5.6+. This version is in maintenance, receiving mostly just security updates, and the …